Students Oral Speaking Test Recordings
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They started to learn Mandarin in June 2014, they made a obviously progress in speaking, listening, writing and reading.
Role Play conversation in Mandarin recorded after 25 private lessons,started from some basic level

She speaks seven foreign language, started to learn mandarin in May 2014, she now has reached intemediate level.
Self introduction in Chinese in the china factory recorded after 45 private lessons, started from zero point

She started to learn mandarin in 2014 from zero beginning, she now has reached intemediate level has made many chinese friends.
Self introduction in Chinese about her and her family.

He started to learn Mandarin in March 2015, he’s learning mandarin for his chinese colleagues.
Family member introduction in Chinese recorded after 14 private lessons,total 21 hours, started from zero point

She started to learn Mandarin in Nov 2015, Self introduction including her nationality, hobbies, the places she has been to and where she is planning to go for Christmas in 2015.
Recorded after 8 private lessons,total 12 hours.

She started to learn Mandarin in Nov 2015, a quick leaner and has been working very hard on her Mandarin learning. She is working for one of Hong Kong airlines.
Recorded after 7 private lessons,total 10.5 hours.

She started to learn Mandarin in Feb 2016, she is a a Mexican American Exchange Student from Hong Kong PolyU, a cute girl with a good memory, working hard for school mandarin quiz.
Recorded after 6 private lessons,total 6 hours.
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