Chinese Characters
Chinese Characters Learning seems super hard and boring , according to the following images , can you guess what the meaning of these characters are?
chinese characters
Katherine was born in mainland China, then came to Hong Kong with her family when she was 13. She went a college in Renming University which is among the top three universities in Beijing when she was 18 and acquired the Bachelor of Arts with major in Japanese language.
After graduating from the Renming University, she returned to Hong Kong and worked for a Japanese Bank as a secretary to her Japanese boss.
She has been teaching mandarin to the expats in Hong Kong for 10 years as a private chinese mandarin tutor since she started career in Hong Kong. The majority of her tutees and students are British,Japanese,Australians,Indians, etc.
She has over 10 years teaching experience for non-Chinese speakers, has great understanding of various mandarin learning difficulties from people of different nations.